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AP Human Geography

First Time Capsule Presentation:

In our first week at NTH@C, we were put into first week project groups. Although I was a bit amazed that we were begining this early, it was a wonderful chance for me to both get to know the learners that I will be with for the next four years of my high school career and also the New Tech style of learning. In this project, we were to choose an item to put into the time capsul we will be opening senior year.

5 Themes of Geography: Our Element

 This project made us identify our element (the meeting point between our natural aptitude and what we love to do). For me, I chose singing and music.

Global Issues Summit
Poetry Slam

During the Poetry Slam, learners got the opportunity to speak out about actual issues that are happening in certain countries. Every group got assigned a country to write a poem about.

Project Element

Our driving question for this Element project was, how does self-awareness assist learners in finding authenticity and connections to learning at NTH@C as we continue our journey to find our element? This is a whole year long project and so therefore, there are different checkpoints at different parts of the year. The activities we do are related to our element or trying to find it. Above, you will find the 5 Themes of Geography Presentation which is about my element, music and singing. Some of the other activities  we do are called Harkness Discussions. The link below explans what it is and why we do it.


With this project, we try to discover how other belief systems help us learn more about ourselves. To begin most of our projects in this class, we use Research Debriefs to help us understand the content we are studying. Below is the Research Debrief for our group's topic which was Islam.

The Thin Line...Love & Hate

We began this project by reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. This allowed us to gain a better understanding of the thin line between love and hate. We also learned about Iambic Pentameter which is the type of writing style used in the play. We learned about the 6 different types of love that there were. Tying into the love and hate, each group was given a topic to create a video on. The best videos were to be submitted to the YAFF (Youth Action Film Festival). My groups topic was gendercide in Afghanistan and Pakistan. We decided to create a PSA. Below you will be able to find our video. Our group was chosen to submit. 

Ignite Speech

During summertime, we were told to read the book, "The Element" by Sir Ken Robinson. Overall, the book was about finding your element which is the meeting point between your natural aptitude and what you like to do. We touched on it at the beginning of the year. At the end of the year, we were told to create a 5 minute speech about it . Below you can find my speech. 

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