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Biotech Ethics

Green Thumb

In a group and class we worked together to find the best way to plant crops in our school garden for the cafeteria.

Food Truck Project

The food truck project helped us learn about different macronutrients and how our body uses them.

MD in Training

The med school project was my favorite so far in this class just because medicing is something I would possibly like to go into in the future. In this project, we learned about many diseases, how they affect our cells, bacteria and viruses, and much more. In the end, we had to diagnose another student who was acting as a patient and come up with the disease and a treatment as well. Also, one of the benchmarks of the project was to create a cell model. A picture of ours is shown. Below, you can find the Patient Profiles as well as a presentation about viruses and bacteria.
















Patient Profiles:



Natural Inspiration

In this project, we gained knowledge about ways energy is created. Photosynthesis, chemosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation were all things we had to learn in depth and understand. We also had to come up with biomimics that can also be used to create energy. Below you will see the infographic we used as the final product. 



Race for the Cure 

Cancer is something that affects many, many families and is a very hard and strenuous thing any family can go through. With this project, we are researching cancer and reaching out to actual doctors and seeking help from them so they can hopefully help us create a great final product that will inform families and victims of anything they may need to know. 

Lost World

In the Lost World project, we were able to explore traits of an "mystery" organism by its bones and use our imagination to decide what animal it was. My group and I discovered that we were assigned a bear. Below, you can find our presentation where we covered things such as habitat, trophic levels of food pyramids, and much, much more. 


This project was entirely new and so we were the first to be able to do this. Although it's not the holidays, this project was fun to do as one of the last ones. In "Scrooge" groups were to choose a topic to research the past, present, and future of. My group decided to do viral diseases. Below, you will be able to find our final presentation which included a music video we made. 

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